20 Des 2011

catatan lama yg tertunda

“itu hati apa kuburan sih. Sepi amat” #eaaaa

*pengantar galau*

Ini sms dari mantan pacar
“apakah kau masih selembut dahulu?
Kau dengar detak jantungku
Sambil mendengarkan sebuah lagu yang ketelingaku
Lagu  yang mengingatkanku pada waktu”

10 Des 2011

i do, you say

aku suka kamu
kamu juga (bilang) suka aku

aku sayang kamu
kamu juga (bilang) sayang aku

aku kangen kamu
kamu juga (bilang) kangen aku

aku takut kehilangan kamu
kamu juga (bilang) takut kehilangan aku


gak pake judul

“ketika galau menghampirimu, bershowerlah”

Ini salah satu bagian dari pocongg juga pocong the movie yang berhasil buat gue ketawa ngakak guling2 #lebeh. Bayangin aja ketika seikat pocong duduk indah dibawah cucuran shower, dan galau #ngenes. Kalo lagi basah gitu, kita bisa liat sebenernya, poconggg juga punya tangan

Jujur. Gue pengen banget ngerasain nikmatnya galau dibawah shower. Tapiii..ah, GUE GAK PUNYA SHOWER!! Maaf ye cong, bukannya gak menghargai ajaran (sesat) lo. Tapi ya itu tadi, gue gak punya shower. Paling juga adanya gayung #apapula.

4 Des 2011

ngamen at simpang dago

pukul 2.05 am. anak kecil udah pada tidur, waktunya cerita serem. *banting bantal* *mikir*

*mikir mau cerita apa*

umm,, AHA!! #bukaniklanlohya *nemu topik* *langsung nulis judul*

iyaaa semalem gue ngamen di simpang dago. bukan karena gue ga punya uang trus ngamen buat makan malem. enggak kok, gue emang lagi ga punya uang tapi gue punya cara lain buat bisa beli makan. yak, pinjem uang *ngutang*

1 Des 2011

bangga deh

menu --> media --> music player --> playlist --> most played --> open


my unyuu cute nephew

one who makes my life more colorful. beautiful, funny, adorable. I really love her. like my own daughter (although I haven't had children) lol
I usually call her iya, lia, katipah, and others. awww I miss yaaaa
I just wanna say happy birthday 3th. cemuga makin unyuu unyuu ya cayanggg :) tunggu titatte pulang :)

here some picts about her

geek charming

Geek Charming

                Geek Charming is a cute movie presented from disney channel. The story is based on a book with the same tittle. This is about Dylan, the most popular girls at her high school who wants more than anything to be a blossom queen. And josh, is a “film geek” who is trying to win the school film festival. Pressured to find a good film topic, Dylan is on a beauty budget to buy clothes and accesories for Blossum Queen. As they bump into each other at the mall and Josh decides that Dylan would be the perfect film topic. Dylan has another  though. She think that if she could get her own movie  then her chances of winning Blossum Queen was more easy. As long as they cooperate, they went through many things together. Until finally they could get their goals and they fell in love.
            The movie is predictable and cheesy like any other Disney movie. It is fully loaded with teen energy. The humor and aim might be ideal for teens, but both adults and younger kids will enjoyed this movie. In this movie we found about friendship, respect, self-confidence, family, etc. Nothing special in this film, but it is not bad too. I like Dylan and Josh, they are so beautiful and handsome. I enjoeyed when watching this film. I found myself laughing in some parts when I was watcing this film. 

a song from minangkabau

                In this music review, I will show something different. I will review a song from my region, a minang song.  The tittle is “tongga babeleng”. That means only or single. This songs about the family, a only child and his mother that are left by his father. They live in poverty without a householder. There is no place to complain. This is the sad song, but the rhythm is not too slow. So we can amused if listen to this song. But if I really enjoy the lyrics, I could cry. Listening to this song is remind me to my family, especially my mom. Though I still have father, but my mom keep working for our family.
            As in the song minang in general, there are traditional rhymes in the lyrics. It sounds very beautiful. The lyrics are very interesting. Makes me want to hear many times in order to truly understand the meaning of this song. Sometimes this song makes me sleepy. However, if heard at noon to make my spirit. Indeed, lately I really like hearing the minang’s song.